Tipsy’s Teachings Vol. 1
My journey with Tipsy Mango has just begun. I’m about 80% done with my build and I’ve already learned so much worth sharing.
1. I really can figure it out and so can you.
From installing subfloors and adding plumbing to building a roof deck and connecting a solar system. I knew nothing about any of these things when I embarked on this quest, and now I’ve actually done them all. It’s given me so much faith in myself!
2. Google is my friend.
It may take patience and persistence, but the answers are out there. Figuring out the correct language for an issue helps refine the right keywords to search. Sure, there’s a learning curve, but it gets easier as you go.
3. It’s more than okay to ask for help.
I’ve forged bonds with friends and family through this journey that have changed me. Whether it’s conversations and connections about solar power, tips for using power tools, or whatever, people like to share what they know. Genuine interest and respect goes a long way toward establishing and maintaining lasting relationships.
4. Do your best and forget the rest!
There are a million different ways to do everything. At a certain point, you simply have to start. As my big little brother says...”you built it, so if don’t like it, you can unbuild it.” This sentiment has been very helpful. Sometimes, if I get stuck in my head wanting to do something the “right” way, I just have to remember I can always change it later. Just start!